# Penicillins


A narrow-spectrum, semisynthetic isoxazolyl penicillin with antibacterial activity. Floxacillin binds to and inactivates penicillin-binding proteins (PBPs) located on the inner membrane of the bacterial cell wall. Inactivation of PBPs interferes with the cross-linkage...
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Also known as Ticar, Ticarcilina, Ticarcillin supplement, Ticarcilline, Ticarcillinum A broad-spectrum, semi-synthetic penicillin antibiotic with bactericidal activity. Similar to carbenicillin in action, ticarcillin inactivates the penicillin-sensitive transpeptidase...
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Ticarcillin and Clavulanic Acid

Can I take Ticarcillin and Clavulanic Acid while breastfeeding? Although no information is available on the use of ticarcillin and clavulanic acid during breastfeeding, limited information indicates that maternal doses of ticarcillin 15 grams daily produce low levels...
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Procaine Penicillin G

Can I take Procaine Penicillin G while breastfeeding? Procaine penicillin G is acceptable to use during breastfeeding. Amounts ingested by the infant are small and would not be expected to cause any adverse effects. Occasionally, disruption of the infant’s...
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Piperacillin and Tazobactam

Can I take Piperacillin and Tazobactam while breastfeeding? Although no information is available on the use of piperacillin and tazobactam during breastfeeding, limited information indicates that maternal doses of piperacillin produce low levels in milk that are not...
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